Tuesday, August 19, 2008

He's gaining weight!

So when we first brought him to the doctor she said he had lost 8 oz. We took Kaydon back a week later and he weighed 2 oz less. He also had yellowish eyes which indicate jaundice, a disease that babies are prone to get if they do not eat enough right away. Well it has been 2 weeks since then and he has gained 10 oz. So he is now 8 lbs and increasing! Praise Jesus! The only downside is that with all of this eating he keeps pooping! I mean constantly. Not the normal stuff. This poop actually looks like mustard. Did anyone ask for Grey Poop-on? :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kaydon is here!!!

Born on Wednesday July 30th @ 6:37am, 7 pounds, 12 ounces & 19 inches long...Kaydon James is finally here!! He surprised us by arriving 2.5 weeks early, but I am not complaining =) This was really actually perfect timing for our family. Thank God for a safe delivery!!! =)=)=)=)=)=)=)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

One More Preggo Worship Set!

...coming up this morning...Let's pray for stamina to make it through! Last week I was so wiped by half-way through the set, I felt like stepping off the stage to rest. Practice for 2 hours @ 8:30am, then playing back to back @ 10:30am for 45 minutes is exhausting for a 9 monther like myself. Yet, I am amazed that it was doable at all. At first I thought it was nutz to expect to sing & co-lead worship for so long within a pregnancy, but alas, it can be done!! =) We'll see what today brings =)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tips for Saving Time

I love this list I found on BabyCenter.com. I'm so excited to get organized for soon coming future days with baby! Pass it on if it's helpful to you: 40 ways to save time and make life with a baby easier.

Friday, July 25, 2008

3.5 cm in 1 week??

That's how much my tummy grew since last weeks appt. I think that's incredible! Now I measure 37.5cm, which is right on with the amount of weeks I am (37weeks). I have been measuring about 2 cm smaller than my weeks up until now. The funny thing is I didn't gain any weight this past week, but my tummy got bigger...this pregnancy thing has got me so baffled! The scientist in me doesn't know what to do with all these anomalies. =)

I made a decision today to let go of trying to control this pregnancy & birth. I am so done with that. I can see now the beauty of this adventure, and I love adventure! So Kaydon & I will be enjoying the last 3 weeks we have together, and not stressing each other out! Dr. says she doesn't expect me to be going early since I'm not at all dilated. So we may indeed be sharing a birthday or KJ may be quite well-done when he finally does come out. But either way, I know God is in charge of this pregnancy, just as I have known since day 1 of finding out I was pregnant for the 2nd time. That assurance that God's running this thing is enough for me to rest and go on with life as it is. Thank God for revelation!! =)

Fatherhood is a trip

Never could I imagine that I would be responsible for such a little life and now the time has come. I am very anxious, nervous, scared, and excited all at once. This is crunch time and I am feeling crunchy. Every time I think that it is going to be me and this kid for the rest of my life it totally humbles me and makes me truly believe there is a God.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What do babies do in there?

Kaydon's been doing alot in my tummy...especially lately. What could he be doing in there? There's less & less room for his growing body, so it could just be that I feel his movements more strongly. But the movements are really funny, like sometimes it feels like a toenail is poking my skin from the inside out. Or sometimes I feel like he is literally tapping his little fingers within my lower abdomen...it's so cute. When I look at newborns, I realize they are all very active and move ALOT! So KJ, I'm sure, is just getting ready to do the same outside the womb.